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Mini-HOWTO Documents

These Mini HOWTO documents are not part of the official FD-DOC project, and so they do not need to follow the same format as the other FD-DOC documents. The FreeDOS Documentation Project (FD-DOC) aims to produce high-quality documentation for all aspects of FreeDOS. These Mini HOWTOs were included because they did not seem appropriate for a full HOWTO document:

Mini HOWTO documents currently are:

Info Sheet
Some basic information on what FreeDOS is, what hardware it runs on, and what you can do with it.

FreeDOS Mailing List Reminder
The monthly reminder that is automatically posted to the FreeDOS Mailing List (fd-dev). This reminder has a list of links that will be useful to newcomers to the FreeDOS Project.

Kernel Compile mini-HOWTO
Posted by Brian Reifsnyder on the FreeDOS mailing list, shown here as a mini-HOWTO document.

Soft-ICE mini-HOWTO
Posted by Brian Reifsnyder on the FreeDOS mailing list, instructions on installing Soft ICE (v 2.8) on FreeDOS.

Distribution mini-HOWTO
This is how I (currently) build a FreeDOS distribution. I am writing this down now so that others can learn how it is done in case someone else wants to create their own FreeDOS distribution.

(MS-) DOS Tutorial
Paul Butterwick's DOS Tutorial.

Freemacs mini-HOWTO
Jim's quickie set of instructions to get up and running with Freemacs, with fortran-mode examples.

Freemacs Customization mini-HOWTO
A very brief tutorial on modifying Freemacs - it may be of some value to Freemacs users.

Freemacs MINT mini-HOWTO
The Freemacs extension writer's guide to MINT functions.

Freemacs MINT Tutorial
A pretty comprehensive instruction manual on how to write MINT extensions for Freemacs.

Freemacs in two pages
Handy reference sheet on how to use Freemacs.

Freemacs Tutorial
Richard Stallman's guide to using Freemacs.

More are on the way!